Minggu, 25 September 2011

Ezio Life

Ezio Auditore da Firenze (born 1459) was a Florentine noble during the Italian Renaissance and, unbeknownst to most historians and philosophers, a central member of the Assassin Order. A descendant of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad and ancestor to bothDesmond Miles and Subject 16, Ezio was unaware of his Assassin heritage until the age of 17, when his father and two brothers, Federico and Petruccio, were murdered. Ezio fled his birthplace of Florence and took refuge at the Villa Auditore in theTuscan town of Monteriggioni.
Learning of his heritage from his uncle, Mario Auditore, Ezio began his Assassin training, as well as his quest for vengeance against the Grand Master of the Templar Order, Rodrigo Borgia, who had ordered the executions of his father and two brothers. During his quest, Ezio managed to not only unite the pages of Altaïr's Codex for the first time since Domenico Auditore, but also to save the cities of Florence, Venice and Rome from theTemplars' control. He ensured the future travels of Christoffa Corombo to the "New World" and, in liberating Rome from Borgia control and preventing the rise to power of Ercole Massimo's Cult of Hermes, helped spread the Renaissance and Assassin ideals of independence and free thought throughout Italy.
Shortly before the death of Rodrigo Borgia in 1503, Ezio was pronounced the Grand Master of the Assassin Order. In the years that followed, Ezio begun a quest to rediscover the lost history of his Order. Travelling to the aged-fortress of Masyaf in order to learn more about his ancestors, he discovered the fortress overrun, and made his way to the city of Constantinople, so that he might uncover the location of the Seals of Altaïr.

Early life
Maria: "Our son is watching."Giovanni: "I know."Maria: "You should talk to him."Giovanni: "I will."—Maria Auditore and her husband discuss Ezio's rising curiosity

Ezio Auditore da Firenze was born in Florence on June 24, 1459, as the second son of Giovanni and Maria Auditore. Until the age of 17, Ezio lived a life of luxury amidst the members of the Florentine noble class, unaware of his father's allegiance to the Assassin Order. As a youth he was apprenticed to the great banker Giovanni Tornabuoni, presumably to learn the banking trade, so that he could become the leader of the Auditore bank in the future. In the year 1476, Ezio, his older brother Federico, and friends of the family fought with Vieri de' Pazzi and his gang. Ezio pummeled several members of the opposing gang, but Vieri managed to flee the scene before Ezio could do anything to him. Just before the fight, Ezio received a gash on his lip – caused by Vieri throwing a stone – for which Federico suggested that they visit the local doctor. After looting several people left unconscious by the fight, the two brothers ran across the rooftops to find Ezio some medical help.
After the doctor tended to his wound, a church nearby caught the eye of the brothers,
and Federico suggested a race. Ezio won, as he had reached the top quickest, and together
the two looked out over the city. Realizing that he was nearby, Ezio traveled to
the house of Cristina Vespucci and spent the night with her. Though, caught by Cristina's father
the morning after, Ezio fled from a group of pursuing guards before meeting with his own father at
the Palazzo Auditore. Giovanni scolded him, but later softened, admitting that it reminded him of
his own youth, before assigning Ezio the task of delivering several letters to his contacts.
Once he had returned home, Ezio's little brother Petruccio asked him if he could collect eagle feathers from the rooftops, with the promise to return to bed, as he was ill. After a tiring search for feathers – about which Petruccio was secretive – Ezio found his sister Claudia in a distraught state, crying on a bench in their home after discovering her boyfriend, Duccio, had been unfaithful. After obtaining his whereabouts, Ezio tracked down and beat Duccio before warning him to stay away from his sister. Upon returning to the palazzo once more, Ezio's mother secured his services in picking up some paintings from a young artist that she patronized, Leonardo da Vinci. On the walk home, Leonardo struck up a conversation, beginning a friendship between the two young men that would last throughout their later lives.
Auditore execution
"I'll kill you for what you've done!"―Ezio Auditore to Uberto Alberti after watching his
family's execution in 1476.

After finishing the errand for his mother, Ezio was asked by his father to deliver two letters to
contacts of his in the city before retrieving a letter for him from a pigeon coop not far from the
house. Ezio agreed, and after two odd encounters with the people he'd delivered the letters to,
Ezio retrieved the note from the pigeon coop only to witness guards running across Florence.
After completing his errands, Ezio returned home to find his home ransacked, his father and
brothers missing and his mother and sister hiding. Learning that city guards had been ordered to
arrest Giovanni and all of his sons, Ezio made his way to the Palazzo della Signoria, where his father
and brothers were being held. Climbing the building and speaking to his father through his cell
window, Ezio was instructed to find a chest hidden in his office, take everything out of it,
and deliver a sealed letter to Uberto Alberti, Gonfaloniere of Florence and a close friend of the
Auditore family. Doing so, Ezio found his father's Assassin robes and the letter containing details
of a plot against the city of Florence and the Auditore family. Ezio brought the incriminating
documents to Alberti and was assured that his family would be released the following day, when
the information was presented as evidence of their innocence.Ezio then traveled to the home of
Cristina Vespucci, where he spent the night once again.
The next day, Ezio returned to the Piazza della Signoria to find Alberti presiding over the execution of the Auditores. Giovanni protested his innocence, citing the information given to Alberti as evidence. But Alberti denied any knowledge of such information. Ezio shouted that Alberti was indeed lying, but his efforts to prevent the execution were ultimately in vain, and he could only watch helplessly as his father and brothers were hanged. When he attempted to charge the scaffold to avenge his kin, Alberti ordered the city guards to kill him. At the urging of one of Giovanni's friends, a thief, Ezio fled the Piazza della Signoria and sought shelter in a brothel, run by the sister of the Auditore housemaid, a courtesan named Paola.

Exacting revengeEdit
"The Auditore are not dead! I'm still here! Me! Ezio! Ezio Auditore!"―Ezio Auditore, 1476.[src]
Paola, who unbeknownst to Ezio was an Assassin herself, agreed to assist Ezio in his quest for vengeance, teaching him how to survive in the city as an outlaw through pickpocketing and blending in crowds. She further directed Ezio to Leonardo da Vinci to repair the Hidden Blade of the late Giovanni Auditore, but did not notice that Ezio was being watched. At Leonardo's workshop, after having repaired the Hidden blade, a guard banged on the door and ordered Leonardo outside, before trying to beat Ezio's location from him. Ezio realized something was wrong and crept up behind the guard, assassinating him from behind.
Ezio furiously stabbing Uberto Alberti.
Added by ThiefAC
After Leonardo had thanked him, Ezio sought out and assassinated Alberti in the courtyard of the Basilica di Santa Croce, who was attending Andrea del Verrocchio's latest exhibit. Once he had made his way into the courtyard, Ezio attacked Uberto in a frenzied rage, stabbing him multiple times in the chest, before proudly proclaiming to the guests attending the exhibit of the survival of the Auditore family, through him.[1] After killing Uberto Alberti, Ezio took the documents that the Gonfaloniere had concealed from him and his father. From amongst the body, Ezio also took a letter from Alberti that was supposed to be for his wife and son, and decided he would see to it that she got the letter, not wanting to sink to Uberto's level.
Assassin heritageEdit
Ezio, Maria and Claudia being saved by Mario.
Added by Vatsa1708
Now the most wanted man in Florence, Ezio fled the city with his mother and sister in the hopes of making their way to Spain, stopping beforehand at the Auditore family's villa in the town ofMonteriggioni for shelter. During their travel to Monteriggioni, the three were accosted by Vieri de' Pazzi and his followers, but were saved by the timely arrival of Ezio's uncle, Mario Auditore, and hismercenaries. Mario informed Ezio of the existence of the Assassins, in an obvious attempt to induct him into the Order, revealing that many of his ancestors, including Giovanni, were part of it. However, Ezio refused his ancestry, wishing only to continue his journey to Spain to ensure his mother and sister's safety, along with the new skills he possessed. Enraged, Mario left Monteriggioni for the city of San Gimignano, where Vieri de' Pazzi had been located, in the attempt to relieve Monteriggioni of continual assaults by his minions. Guilt-ridden and knowing his presence was a primary reason for the ongoing attacks, Ezio traveled to San Gimignano to accept Mario's offer.[1]
Ezio killing Vieri.
Added by Vatsa1708
When Ezio arrived outside the city, he joined Mario and his mercenaries in their assault, waiting until nightfall to make their way to Vieri de' Pazzi by killing guards patrolling near the city gates. After witnessing a brief meeting between Rodrigo Borgia,Jacopo de' Pazzi, Francesco de' Pazzi and Vieri, Ezio made for his foe; while Mario and his mercenaries kept Vieri's thugs distracted, Ezio challenged and fought Vieri for the last time, eventually overpowering and killing him after a brief duel. Ezio tried to extract a confession from his old enemy, but to no avail as Vieri chose to be snide even to the very end. Infuriated by this, Ezio flew into a rage and insulted Vieri's corpse, continuing until his uncle calmed him down, and reminded him of a tradition of the Assassins: showing respect to those they have killed.[1]
Pazzi ConspiracyEdit
"I've been sent from Firenze by Il Magnifico to attend to some unfinished business; I'm looking for Jacopo de' Pazzi."―Ezio, upon returning from Florence after dealing with Francesco de' Pazzi.[src]Ezio conversing with La Volpe.
Added by Vatsa1708
Following Vieri's death, Ezio returned to Florence in 1478 to gather information from La Volpe and prevent the planned Pazzi takeover, as well as the deaths of Lorenzo de' Medici and his brotherGiuliano. Arriving too late to save Guilano, Ezio managed to prevent the death of Lorenzo, the ruler of Florence, and restored his family's good name. However, the Pazzi had already succeeded in their plan and brought the city into a state of civil war. After escorting Lorenzo to safety at his palazzo, Ezio learned from Lorenzo's lieutenant Poliziano the location of Francesco de' Pazzi at the Piazza della Signoria. As Pazzi and Medici troops battled in the streets below them, Ezio chased down and slew Francesco, although Jacopo de' Pazzi and several other conspirators were able to escape the city. Shortly afterward, the Medici publicly cleared the name of the Auditore family and provided Ezio with the names of the conspirators who had escaped.[1]
Ezio apprehended by Borgia guards.
Added by Vatsa1708
Learning that the Pazzi conspirators had fled to San Gimignano, Ezio tracked down and killed Antonio Maffei, Stefano da Bagnone,Bernardo Baroncelli and Francesco Salviati, extracting from each man information on Jacopo de' Pazzi's hiding place. Using the information, Ezio located his quarry and tracked Jacopo to anancient theater. Once there, Ezio eavesdropped on a meeting between Jacopo, Rodrigo Borgia and a Venetian merchant, Emilio Barbarigo. After fatally wounding Jacopo for his failure to capture Florence, Borgia revealed that he was aware of Ezio's presence. While Borgia and Emilio fled, Ezio was apprehended by Borgia's bodyguards, but he overpowered and killed them, before swiftly putting the dying Jacopo out of his misery.[1]
Hunt in VeniceEdit
Carlo Grimaldi: "It's the Assassin you should be worried about!"Emilio Barbarigo: "Why? Is... Is he in Venezia?"―Carlo Grimaldi and Emilio Barbarigo discuss Ezio minutes before the latter's assassination.[src]Ezio riding through the Appennine Mountains.
Added by PhantomT1412
With the Pazzi conspiracy ended, Ezio returned to Lorenzo in 1480 and declared his success. Before leaving the city for Venice, Ezio was granted a gift; a Medici cape, that would keep the city guards' attention from him. Ezio then made his way to Leonardo's workshop, only to find that he had just left for Venice himself. Meeting with Leonardo in the Appennine Mountains, where Ezio first saw Leonardo's flying machine. Accompanying him to the city of Forlì, Ezio narrowly avoided the attacking Templar horsemen and archers that were sent after them by Rodrigo Borgia. Drawing closer to their destination, Ezio left Leonardo to proceed on his own to take care off the remaining Templars. Ezio made his way into the region of Romagna, and proceeded to meet Leonardo just outside the city of Forlì.[1]
Ezio, carrying Rosa to safety.
Added by Crimson Psyche
Eventually arriving in Forlì, the two made their way to the city docks, where Ezio was refused passage without a pass. It was at this moment that the two heard the screams of a noble lady stranded in the city's wetlands. Ezio swiftly hastened to her rescue and was able to row the woman ashore. The lady introduced herself as Caterina Sforza and coerced the dockman into granting Ezio passage to Venice. Once in Venice, Ezio and Leonardo were given a brief tour of the city by Alvise before Ezio began to seek a way into the Palazzo of Emilio Barbarigo, although this effort proved to be in vain. Suddenly pushed aside, Ezio watched as a gang of thieves attempted and failed to breach the Palazzo, leading Ezio to subsequently aid the thief Rosa, who had been shot through the leg with an arrow. After successfully escaping the city guards, Ezio was introduced to the leader of the Venetian thieves guild, Antonio, and together, they concocted a new plot to kill Emilio Barbarigo and liberate the merchant district.[1]
Ezio flying to the Palazzo Ducale.
Added by Master Sima Yi
The plot, taking place during four years, was successful and gave Ezio the name of another Templar conspirator – Carlo Grimaldi. A government official and member of the Council of Ten, Carlo was close to Giovanni Mocenigo, the Doge of Venice and hoped to turn him to the Templar cause. Overhearing another meeting between Borgia and Carlo, Ezio uncovered a plot to poison the Doge and replace him with Marco Barbarigo. Returning to Antonio, he sought to find a way into the Palazzo Ducale. The pair searched the front gates, the rear walls and even passing over the Basilica di San Marco; but they were hampered at every turn. Returning to the piazza below, an enraged Antonio remarked that only birds might get into the Doge's palace, reminding Ezio of Leonardo's flying machine, which he had seen on the way to Forlì. After a somewhat unsuccessful test flight, Leonardo came up with a way to ensure that Ezio reached his destination.[1]
After removing the city guards at four separate locations, Antonio's thieves proceeded to light massive bonfires throughout the city, giving Ezio the lift Leonardo's flying machine needed to make it to the Palazzo Ducale. The plan worked, and Ezio breached the Palazzo Ducale, although he was too late to save the Doge. Carlo fled the scene, crying out that Ezio had assassinated the Doge, only to meet his own end at Ezio's hands moments later. However, Ezio was now the most wanted man in Venice and was forced to flee the city guards.
Ezio at the awarding ceremony.
Added by Schinni999
Returning to Leonardo's workshop for help in 1486, Ezio was directed to Sister Teodora's brothel, where Antonio was hiding. Under the cover of Carnevale, Ezio made his way to the brothel and began planning the death of Marco Barbarigo, competing in the four games of the Carnevale to win the golden mask that would gain him entrance to Marco's private party. Ezio was successful but found that Marco's cousin, Silvio Barbarigo and Marco's personal slave-bodyguard, Dante Moro intimidated and bribed the judges into denying him his prize. However, Ezio was successful in regaining the mask from Moro and managed to infiltrate the Doge's personal party and assassinate Marco with an ingenious new weapon, leaving the door open for Agostino, a Barbarigo not involved with the Templars, and an ally of Antonio's, to legitimately become Doge.[1]
Ezio, Agostino and Antonio discussing Silvio's location.
Added by Schinni999
With his quest nearly at an end, Ezio tracked down Silvio Barbarigo and Dante Moro, who had occupied the Arsenal with an army of mercenaries. Needing a force of his own, Ezio was directed to find the mercenary leader, Bartolomeo d'Alviano, only to find Silvio's thugs had attacked Bartolomeo's headquarters and captured him and a number of his soldiers. Ezio swiftly located and liberated Bartolomeo and his soldiers; once he learned of Ezio's purpose, the mercenary captain was more than willing to assist in Silvio's destruction. Having tracked the Templars down to the city's Arsenal, Ezio managed to storm the building with the help of Bartolomeo and his men, and killed Dante Moro and Silvio Barbarigo in the ensuing battle. However, he was astonished to learn that the plot to remove the Doge was merely a distraction, so that the Templars could move their vessel to Cyprus, although the reasons for this were unknown to Ezio.[1]
Induction into the OrderEdit
Retrieving the AppleEdit
"It's been over ten years since I watched my father and brothers die. Ten years hunting the men responsible. I'm close to the end now, but no closer to knowing what any of it was for!"―Ezio discusses his life as an Assassin[src]Ezio (right) facing Rodrigo.
Added by Subject 16*
Two more years passed before word of the Templar vessel reached Ezio once again on his twenty-eighth birthday, when Rosa brought him a shipping manifest detailing the return of the ship that very day. Sneaking into the Arsenal, Ezio watched as a Templar guard carrying a Piece of Eden disembarked from the ship and made his way to a Templar base in the city. Following the soldier, Ezio assassinated and impersonated the guard, carrying the Piece of Eden to a meeting with Rodrigo Borgia himself. Finally able to confront the man ultimately responsible for the deaths of his father and brothers, Ezio criticized the Templar Grand Master for the non-appearance of the supposed "prophet" detailed in the Codex prophecy. Borgia responded, proudly naming himself the prophet before engaging Ezio in battle. The battle was short, and Ezio easily bested the Templar. On the backfoot, Borgia called upon the city guards and taunted the Assassin, saying that "his people" had failed to show up.[1]
At this very moment Mario Auditore, Antonio, Paola, Teodora, La Volpe and Bartolomeo d'Alviano appeared, driving off Borgia and revealing themselves to Ezio as Assassins. With the arrival of Niccolò Machiavelli, it was revealed to Ezio that he was in fact the supposed "prophet", and that for the past decade they had all worked together to induct Ezio into the Assassins Order. That night, they all met again and Ezio was formally inducted into the Order.He got a ring burned onto his flesh of his left hand instead of losing a finger.[1]
Battle of ForlìEdit
Ezio and the others examining the Apple.
Added by Zwoooooosh
Shortly after his induction, Ezio met with Mario and Niccolò, and traveled to Leonardo da Vinci's studio, hoping he could shed some light upon the strange artifact Rodrigo Borgia had dubbed "the Apple". Leonardo examined the unique device, commenting that the metal it was made of should not exist, and that its design was highly advanced despite its age. Briefly touching the Apple, Ezio accidentally activated the device, which started to glow and show strange holographic images. De-activating the device, Niccolò announced that he had arranged for the Piece of Eden to be held in the Rocca di Ravaldino, protected by an ally of the Assassin's, Caterina Sforza. Niccolò and Ezio met with Caterina in Romagna, just outside the city of Forlì. After briefly discussing the Apple, the three made their way back to the city, only to find that it had been invaded by the Orsi brothers: Checco and Ludovico.[4]
As the group fought its way to the city's locked gates, Ezio managed to find another way inside and opened the gates, allowing them to continue their way to the Citadel. Reaching the Rocca di Ravaldino, they found out that two of Caterina’s children, Ottaviano and Bianca, were in the hands of the Orsi brothers, who had recently arrived and begun attacking the Citadel. Repelling the attack, Ezio left the Apple in Caterina's hands, before going to rescue her two children.[4]
Ezio briefly glimpses Savonarola, before passing out.
Added by Zwoooooosh
Making his way into Romagna, Ezio overpowered the guard detail assigned to imprison Bianca, who directed Ezio to her brother Ottaviano. As Bianca fled back to the city, Ezio made his way to the lighthouse upon which Ottaviano was being held by Ludovico himself. Climbing the tower, Ezio dispatched Ludovico and freed Ottaviano, though not before learning that the kidnapping was a distraction, which had allowed the brothers to steal the Apple. Ezio swiftly tracked down and killed Checco Orsi and his remaining men. Retrieving the Apple, Ezio failed to notice that Checco had stabbed him in the abdomen. Injured, Ezio collapsed to the floor, the Apple rolling from his hand. Before losing consciousness Ezio saw a monk with a missing finger pick up the Apple and walk away, despite Ezio having pleaded to him not to open the sack holding the Apple.[4]
Ezio waking up next to Caterina.
Added by Campbell430
Caterina’s guards later found Ezio next to Checco’s corpse and returned him to Forlì, where Caterina nursed him back to health. Returned to his senses, Ezio, now bearded, hurriedly explained to Caterina that the Apple had been stolen from him by a man in black. She recognized him for a monk and told Ezio to search for the monk at the church outside the city walls. There was no sign of the monk, but Ezio met with Brother O’Callahan, who told him to continue his search at San Vincenzo, in central Forlì. An abbot there identified Ezio as Stefano da Bagnone's killer and ran away, but was intercepted, and, once convinced he was not about to die, gave Ezio the name of the nine fingered monk: Girolamo Savonarola.[4][3]
Journey in SpainEdit
"My thirst for vengeance is strong, but my responsibility to the Assassins is stronger still."―Ezio Auditore, 1491[src]
While trying to locate Savonarola, Ezio was told by an acquaintance to meet Antonio at the Thieves Guild in Venice. Upon arriving there, Ezio found Antonio accompanied by another man, Luis de Santángel. Luis was looking for a good "killer" who could oversee a meeting involving Luis' friend Christoffa Corombo, but Ezio expressed no interest. However, when he heard that Rodrigo Borgia was also involved in the meeting, he rushed to Christoffa's location, finding out that it was a trap. However, he managed to save Christoffa, who explained that Rodrigo was interested in his plans to sail west. Soon afterwards, Ezio met with Antonio again, who told him to go see both Luis and Christoffa in the gardens district.[5]
Ezio locked in combat with a guard during his time in Spain.
Added by Master Sima Yi
They then told him that the Templars were in possession of Christoffa's atlas, which featured the journey's route. Ezio quickly recovered the atlas and brought it back to Christoffa and Luis. Luis informed Ezio of the presence of Spanish Assassins, who were held captive by the Spanish Inquisitor General, Tomás de Torquemada. Feeling it was his duty to rescue them, Ezio temporarily diverged from his goal to reclaim the Apple of Eden and set out to Spain, but not before Antonio gave him the names of two of his contacts.[5]
After arriving in Spain and briefly losing his sword to a thief, Ezio met with to Antonio's contacts and was directed to the local Thieves Guild. When he arrived at the location, he found that it empty. He was then ambushed by the Inquisitors' men. After making his escape through the sewers, he met a man who called himself Raphael Sanchez, who revealed himself to be an Assassin. He informed Ezio of the location of the first captured Assassin, and Ezio rushed to save him. Right before the Assassin could be burned by the Inquisitors, Ezio killed all the guards and freed him. After Ezio's return, Raphael revealed that it was Gaspar Martinez who was ordered to capture the Assassins by Torquemada. Ezio located Gaspar and found him, Torquemada and a guard surrounding a captured Assassin.[5]
Torquemada revealed to the captured Assassin, and indirectly to Ezio, that Rodrigo Borgia had ordered him to capture Assassins in Spain, because they were "non-believers" (in the Catholic religion). After the guard killed the Assassin, the group disbanded and Gaspar was left unguarded. Ezio then met with him and asked him what he knew of the Templars, but Gaspar feigned ignorance and said that they "went away two centuries ago." He fell silently to Ezio's blade, and Ezio acquired a list of six other Assassins' names.
After freeing the first man on the list, Ezio took him back to Raphael, informing the latter of the existence of the list. However, all the remaining Assassins were located in Zaragoza.
Ezio with Luis, Raphael, and Christoffa.
Added by MajorDomoElite
Once in Zaragoza, Raphael told Ezio to find the Inquisition's Calficador, Pedro Llorente, whose tribunal met at the far side of town. Arriving there, Ezio found that Torquemada was also present. One of the Assassins was being tried, and after he refused to convert and confess, was killed. Ezio eavesdropped on the ensuing conversation and found out that Torquemada was under orders from Rodrigo Borgia to arrest the Assassins. He hurried to locate the remaining five Assassins. Four of them where held captive inside some catacombs. The last was held inside a church. After securing their safety, Ezio killed Pedro Llorente. Returning to Raphael, he requested to return to Italy. However, Raphael still needed some help against the Inquisitors in Granada. Ezio complied, helping to assassinate a Templar spy in the city and discovering along the way that Luis Santangel was also an Assassin.[5]
Once again he excused himself to return to Italy, but was disturbed again by the Templars. He is forced again to fight off the Templars to defend Luis, and informed that Raphael has been captured. Ezio fights to rescue Raphael, then finally infiltrates Torquemada's fortress. Torquemada escapes, but Ezio still has duties for the Piece of Eden and decides not to pursue him, Ezio excuses to finally return to Italy and Telling Luis and Raphael to tell him when Christoffa returns from his journey to find the "New World."[5]
Bonfire of the VanitiesEdit
"There is no book or teacher to give you the answers, to show you the way. Choose your own way! Do not follow me, or anyone else."―Ezio after Savanarola's death[src]Ezio and Machiavelli discussing Savonarola.
Added by Zac skywalker
After Lorenzo de' Medici's death, Savonarola was able to easily take control over Florence with the Apple of Eden at his command. He taught the population of Florence that personal property and knowledge made the difference between the rich and the poor. Therefore, he burned everything related to the Renaissance in theBonfire of the Vanities.[6]
Ezio and Niccolò Machiavelli wanted to put a stop to Savonarola's rule with the aid of their two comrades in the city, Paola and La Volpe. Ezio began eliminating the monk's brainwashed followers while Niccolò, Paola, and Volpe organized a riot in the city. Soon after Ezio killed Savonarola's followers, the rioters formed an angry mob and went to the Palazzo Pitti, where Savonarola resided, demanding an end to the bonfires. Savanarola tried to use the Apple to quell the riot, but before he could, Ezio threw a knife at him, knocking the Apple out of his hand. In the ensuing chaos, the Apple was picked up by a guard in service to the Borgia, who had also been trying to recover the Apple from Savonarola. Ezio followed him, killed him and recovered the Apple. Savonarola was then sentenced to be executed in the same way he had dealt with the city's knowledge: burned at the stake on the Piazza della Signoria. However, Ezio decided that no one should have to die in such agony.
Ezio assassinating Savonarola before he is burned.
Added by Campbell430
The Assassin leapt onto the execution platform and put Savonarola out of his misery. He then looked at the stunned mob and gave a speech to them, urging them to follow their own path and rely on their own thoughts, not what they were told by the ones in power. He then left with Mario, Niccolò, Paola and La Volpe, ready to uncover the answers hidden within the Apple.[6]
Dealing with the BorgiaEdit
Confrontation in the VaticanEdit
"I thought... I thought I was beyond this. But I'm not. I've waited too long, lost too much."―Ezio to Rodrigo Borgia during his first assassination attempt[src]
The following year saw the Assassins come together once more at the Villa Auditore, with the Piece of Eden and the completed Codex in hand. Using the two objects, they discovered the location of the Vault to be in Rome - specifically, beneath the Vatican. Unfortunately, Rodrigo Borgia had become Pope in 1492, although Mario believed he had only done so to gain access to the Papal Staff, another of the Pieces of Eden. Undeterred, Ezio went to assassinate Rodrigo Borgia.[1]
Ezio confronting Rodrigo.
Added by Subject 16*
Fighting his way along the entire length of the Passetto di Borgo, Ezio snuck into the Sistine Chapel and struck at Rodrigo from above. As he was about to deal the killing blow, Rodrigo surprised him by using the Staff to blast him away and drain the energy of those in the room. Since Ezio held the Apple, he was immune to the Staff's effects, and the two engaged in a duel. Ezio repeated history by using the same technique Al Mualim utilized in his duel against Altaïr in 1191, by creating multiple illusional copies of himself with the Apple, and it seemed that Ezio had bested Rodrigo, but the Pope overcame him. Rodrigo then took the Apple and stabbed Ezio in the abdomen, leaving him to die before fleeing into the Vault. However Ezio soon regained consciousness and, following his nemesis to the outside of the Vault, Ezio watched as Rodrigo tried in vain to open it. Laying down his arms, Ezio challenged and defeated Rodrigo in a final brawl, obtaining possession of both the Apple and the Staff, but refusing to take the Borgia's life, having realized the futility of revenge.[1]
"Killing you won't bring my family back... I'm done."―Ezio spares Rodrigo's life[src]
Entering the Vault, Ezio stood in shock as he was confronted by a hologram of an individual naming herself "Minerva" and claiming to be one of Those Who Came Before. Ezio was further confounded when the hologram sought to speak to an unseen figure named Desmond, before disappearing abruptly, leaving Ezio with many unanswered questions.[1]
Siege of MonteriggioniEdit
Ezio meeting with the other Assassins.
Added by Vatsa1708
Following his encounter in the vault, Ezio returned to Monteriggioni with his uncle Mario Auditore, who had traveled to Rome to aid his nephew. During their journey, Ezio imparted onto his uncle what he had learned from Minerva, but soon found solace in the fact that his own battles were finally at an end. That evening, Ezio once again retold the events of his encounter in the Vault, this time to Machiavelli, his sister and mother. Machiavelli in turn criticized Ezio for his failure to kill Rodrigo Borgia. That night, unconcerned with Machiavelli's outburst, Ezio returned to his bedchamber to share an intimate night with Caterina Sforza. He soon learned however, that the Borgia threat was far from over.[7]
Ezio destroying a siege tower.
Added by RussellSparrow
On January 2, 1500, Cesare Borgia, the son of Rodrigo, Commander of the Papal armies and a high-ranking Templar in his own right, laid siege to Monteriggioni. Taking the Assassins by surprise, Cesare's forces were quickly able to level half the city before Ezio managed to reach the cannons above the wall ramparts and return fire, destroying many of Cesare's own siege weapons. This was a futile effort on Ezio's behalf in order to get the citizens to safety however, as Cesare's forces managed to breach the city gates, despite the defense put up by Ezio and his uncle. Entering the city, Cesare brought a mortally wounded Mario Auditore and captured Caterina Sforza before him. Seeing his uncle lying on the ground, Ezio ran across the rooftops in a vain effort to reach them, but was shot by arquebusiers upon the city walls. At the same time Cesare "invited" Ezio to come to Rome with a shot of his own firearm; the shot killed Mario.[7]
Ezio, having soon regained consciousness as two of Mario's mercenaries were dragging him, continued to partake in the battle, which had by now spilled into what was left of the city streets. Retreating to the Sanctuary, Ezio and the fleeing civilians fled through a secret passageway that had been hidden behind the statue of Altaïr. After ensuring his mother and sister were safe, Ezio then made his way for Rome. An undetermined amount of time later, Ezio passed out off of his horse however, his wounds having not been treated.[7]
War in RomeEdit
Margherita dei Campi treating Ezio's wounds.
Added by Zwoooooosh
Ezio eventually awoke to find his wound being treated by a stranger, Margherita dei Campi,[8] who told him that he had simply been dropped off at her doorstep, the man who had brought him there had also supplied him with a new set of robes. After leaving the house Ezio had his wounds tended by a practiced doctor before setting out to make contact with Machiavelli in the center of the city. His attention was soon caught, however, by the discussion of a group of guards who were set on injuring an innocent civilian for "causing the Borgia guards trouble.[7]
Following the guards and aiding the distressed civilian, whose wife had recently been executed by a Borgia ally known as Il Carnefice, Ezio got his first taste of life in the city. Making his way up to Il Carnefice's abode, Ezio assassinated him and continued on his way to meet with Machiavelli. From him, Ezio discovered that under the Borgia, Rome had fallen into a state of disrepair and that its citizens were being oppressed by them. Machiavelli also told him of Cesare Borgia, the son of the Templar Grand Master and the man responsible for the death of Mario Auditore.[7]
Ezio conversing with Machiavelli and Fabio.
Added by Zac skywalker
Together, Ezio and Machiavelli met with Fabio Orsini, an ally of Bartolomeo d'Alviano who had been forced into serving Cesare Borgia. Fabio lent to the Assassins an old storehouse of his onTiber Island, in the hope that they would find a better use for it. From here, Ezio traveled to the Rosa in Fiore in an attempt to gather the support of the city's courtesans. When he arrived however, he learned that Madonna Solari, the head of the brothel, had been kidnapped by the Cento Occhi, Cesare's hired thugs, and was being held for ransom.[7]
Gathering the funds necessary, Ezio made his way to the kidnappers' location, but was double crossed. Madonna Solari was murdered and Ezio attacked. Ezio survived the ambush and returned to the Rose in Fiore to discover his mother and sister there. With no-one to lead them, the courtesans turned to Claudia Auditore to act as their Madonna; Ezio agreed to her appointment, albeit with great reluctance. Ezio then moved on to gather the support of both La Volpe's thieves, who were suffering at the hands of the Cento Occhi, and d'Alviano's mercenaries.[7]
After receiving intelligence reports from Claudia, La Volpe and Bartolomeo indicating the Caterina Sforza was being held in the Castel Sant'Angelo Ezio departed to rescue her, though not before Machiavelli demanded that, should he get the opportunity, he kill Cesare and Rodrigo.[7]
Ezio carrying Lucrezia Borgia.
Added by Vatsa1708
Infiltrating the castle, Ezio scaled the fortress' double walls and apprehended Lucrezia Borgia, who was holding the keys to Caterina's cell. From there they escaped, making sure they remained undetected, until they had procured a mount. Fleeing across the Ponte Sant'Angelo Ezio ordered Caterina to ride on whilst he dealt with the pursuing guards; only a timely explosion from within the Castel prevented him from being overwhelmed however. Returning to his base of operations, Ezio decided that in order to free Rome from its Borgia oppression, he must involve those who were being oppressed. Despite Machiavelli's reservations, the two agreed to begin recruiting citizens of Rome into Ezio's new Brotherhood, so that the liberation of Rome could begin.[7]
Within a year, Ezio had turned a number of Rome's citizens into Assassin apprentices, as well as adopting several existing members of the Order into his guild; member such as Francesco Vecellio, whose former masterhad betrayed the Order to save his infant son.[9] The apprentices fought and trained alongside Ezio, as well as undertaking missions to aid their fellow assassins in cities across Europe, and as far a field as Calicut, India. He also had his apprentices by aid him in removing a number of Templar agents, such as Malfatto and Silvestro Sabbatini.[7]
Eventually, Ezio received a surprise visit from his old friend Leonardo da Vinci, who informed him that he had been pressed into providing the Borgia with various forms of advanced weaponry and war machines. Leonardo promised to provide Ezio with the tools necessary to destroy his weapons, albeit at a small monetary cost. Ezio agreed, and throughout his war against the Borgia managed to destroy all of Leonardo's machines.[7]
Learning that Juan Borgia the Elder, a corrupt cardinal and cousin to Cesare Borgia, was providing Cesare with the financial backing he needed to wage his wars in Italy, Ezio decided to remove this pillar of support. From Claudia's courtesans, Ezio discovered that a local senator, Egidio Troche, was in debt to Juan, and as such provided an avenue of approach. Ezio decided to help Egidio by fending off his attackers and provided to money to settle Egidio's debt. In return, Egidio agreed to lead the assassin to his target. Ezio tailed Egidio to a Borgia captain, where Egidio turned over his money. Ezio then assassinated the captain and took his place. Arriving at the location of a pagan party being hosted by Juan, Ezio handed over the money and proceeded to sneak in undetected. Ezio struck his target from a bench, and then escaped undetected.[7]
Battle with the FrenchEdit
Ezio discussing the French with Bartolomeo d'Alviano.
Added by Subject 16*
Following the Banker's death, Ezio traveled to Bartolomeo d'Alviano's barracks, where he soon discovered that Bartolomeo's wife, Pantasilea Baglioni, had been kidnapped by the Baron de Valois, commander of Cesare's French allies in Rome. Despite putting up a valiant defense of his barracks, Bartolomeo saw no feasible way he could secure his wife's safety short of surrendering; Ezio however, had another idea. Eliminating a large number of French soldiers, Bartolomeo's mercenaries took on the guise of a French patrol escorting a defeated Bartolomeo d'Alviano to the Castra Praetoria, the base of operations for Octavian de Valois' forces.[7]
Infiltrating the fortress, Bartolomeo and Ezio came face to face with the Baron, who very nearly killed Bartolomeo were it not for a timely interruption from Ezio. Battle soon broke out, and with Bartolomeo's mercenaries engaging the French forces Ezio was free to pursue the Baron and Pantasilea, eventually freeing her and killing him.[7]
Securing the keys to the CastelEdit
Not long after his victory over the Baron de Valois, Ezio traveled once more to La Volpe Addormentata, where he and La Volpe discussed the latter's suspicion that Machiavelli had in fact betrayed the Assassins by guiding the Papal Army to Monteriggioni, and by informing Rodrigo and Cesare to stay away from the Castel during Ezio's infiltration. Ezio disagreed, but promised to look into their being a traitor. La Volpe later informed him that Pietro Rossi, an actor and Lucrezia Borgia's lover, had the key to the Castel and that Cesare intended to kill Pietro over his feelings for Lucrezia. Locating Cesare at one of the city gates, Ezio witnessed the assassination of Francesco Troche, brother of Egidio, by Cesare's personal assassin Micheletto Corella. Ezio then tailed Micheletto, who was to infiltrate a play that Pietro would appear in, and kill him. As he followed him, Ezio had his apprentices discreetly replace those guards Micheletto tasked with partaking in the murder.[7]
Ezio carrying Pietro Rossi through the Colosseum.
Added by Jack Goodall
Eventually, Micheletto arrived at il Colosseo, the site of the play. Climbing up the outside of the building, Ezio made his way down from the roof to the backstage area below, picking off Micheletto's marksmen as he went. Ezio soon struck Micheletto, but spared his life hen he learned that Pietro had been poisoned previously, as a means of insurance. He hurried from the Colosseum, Pietro in his arms, whilst his apprentices covered the retreat. After handing Pietro over to a doctor and receiving the key to the Castel from him, Ezio spotted a thief that he recognized from the siege of Monteriggioni When the thief ran, Ezio gave chase. He quickly caught the thief and discovered that he was in fact the traitor, not Machiavelli. Ezio then raced back to Tiber Island to stop La Volpe from killing Machiavelli, as he had promised to do so previously.[7]
Learning that Cesare's thugs had made their way to the Rose in Fiore, Ezio hurried to protect his family, arriving too late to save them; Claudia had already killed the attackers. Impressed with the kills, Ezio inducted Claudia into the Order, and was in turn elected to the position of il Mentore by Machiavelli, who stepped down to allow Ezio's promotion.[7]
Fall of the BorgiaEdit
With Cesare's supporters in Rome dead, the Brotherhood and it's allies were in command of the city. Ezio was informed that Cesare had returned to Rome, and was meeting with his father in the Castel Sant'Angelo. Once again infiltrating the Castel, Ezio witnessed Rodrigo's attempt to poison his son, only to be murdered in response. As Cesare hurried from the Castel to obtain the Apple of Eden that his father had hidden away, Ezio entered the Castel and gave Rodrigo's body his blessing. He then learned from Lucrezia where Rodrigo had hidden the Apple and raced out of the fortress.[7]
Ezio revealing the Apple of Eden to his comrades.
Added by Subject 16*
Ezio arrived at St. Peter's Basilica and obtained the Apple with just moments to spare, as he was soon joined by Cesare and a sizable contingent of Papal soldiers. Using the Apple, Ezio drove mad those pursuers he did not kill; then in tandem with his fellow assassins worked over the next few months to completely destroy what little support in Rome Cesare still had. Eventually, the Assassins caught up with Cesare himself, who was awaiting reinforcements from Micheletto Corella and his army. Cesare's forces were defeated, although their leader had retreated behind the city gate; he was not safe however, and was quickly arrested by Fabio Orsini on the orders of Pope Julius II. As he was dragged away, Cesare screamed that "chains [would] not hold [him]" and that no man could murder him.[7]
Despite their victory, Ezio was troubled by Cesare's comments, and meeting with Leonardo da Vinci, he confessed his concerns to him. At Leonardo's suggestion, Ezio decided to look into the Apple in order to see if Cesare's threats were true. He quickly let go off the Apple, commenting that he had to leave immediately. Before he departed, however, Ezio left Leonardo a parting gift: a chest full of gold, in recompense for losing his patron.[7]
Chasing Cesare BorgiaEdit
Running from the Tiber Island headquarters, Ezio made his way to the Castel Sant'Angelo and was greeted by a scene of mass confusion. Questioning a guard, Ezio learned that Cesare had escaped, likely with the aid of an inside-man, but that Lucrezia had been left behind. Summarizing that the best way for Cesare to escape the city was by boat, Ezio ran to the docks nearest the Castel.[8]
The docks were extremely busy when he arrived, and as such Ezio was forced to use the Apple of Eden to prise a location for Cesare; pointed to the red-sailed caravel on pier six, Ezio made his there only to find it had already set sail. Heading to the nearest boat, Ezio offered to pay the boat-master handsomely if he pursued him. Ezio was surprised to see that it was Claudio who captained the boat, having been given money to do so by La Volpe previously.[8]
The ships were already nearing Ostia by the time Claudio's scoop had caught up. Locking sails, Claudio gave Ezio the order to jump aboard, and together Ezio and Claudio quickly overpowered the ship's crew, whilst Cesare watched helplessly from the secure wooden crate he had been hidden in. Upon docking in Ostia, Cesare was securely sent back to Rome.[8]
Councilor to the PopeEdit
Julius II: "Cesare Borgia has been safely delivered into one of their strongest and most secure rocca!"Ezio: "Where?"Julius II: "Ah, that's classified information, even to you. I can't take any chances with Cesare."—Pope Julius II and Ezio Auditore[src]
By 1504 Ezio had become councilor to Pope Julius II, and was with him when the Pope received word that Cesare Borgia had been successfully handed over to King Ferdinand II of Aragon and his wife Queen Isabella I of Castile. When Ezio inquired as to where he was being held, Julius politely refused to answer, perhaps cautious of any attempts Ezio might make on the Templar leader's life. Later in the conversation, a tired Ezio nonchalantly suggested the name "Swiss Guard" for the contingent of Swiss mercenaries Julius II was thinking of hiring as his personal bodyguards.[8]
The following day, Ezio called a meeting with La Volpe, Bartolomeo, Machiavelli and Claudia to discuss rooting out those Borgia diehards who still pocketed Italy. Together they formulated a plan that would keep control of the Borgia loyalists until the time to strike presented itself.[8]
Following the meeting, Ezio and Machiavelli met with a number of Rodrigo's former lovers and associates, including Vannozza and Giulia Farnese, as well as Cesare's wife: Charlotte d'Albret. On their way to meet Giulia, Ezio and Machiavelli noticed they were being followed by someone, and had been since leaving Vanozza's palazzo. After making their way onto the rooftops, the Assassins were eventually able to lose their pursuer, although it took a lot of effort on their part.[8]
During this mission, Machiavelli repeatedly asked Ezio to use the Apple to locate Cesare, though Ezio consistently refused, not wishing to become dependent on its power and lose his own skills.[8]
Rescuing Claudia, capturing MichelettoEdit
After leaving d'Albret's palazzo, Ezio and Machiavelli were approached by Bruno, one of Machiavelli's spies, who informed the two that the Borgia had had them followed, so as to ensure they were not present when they kidnapped Claudia Auditore. Upon learning her location, the two quickly made their way to liberate her from her captors only to discover they had been led into a trap; Bruno had been working for the Borgia for at least a year.[8]
Making their way Borgia diehards' facility, Ezio saw Claudia tied to a chair, half-dressed and bruised. The leader of the diehards held a knife to Claudia's throat and threatened to kill her if Ezio did not leave Rome once and for all; Ezio refused and, together with Machiavelli, quickly overpowered and eliminated the diehards.[8]
After rescuing Claudia, Ezio learned that Micheletto had holed up in the Ludus Magnus in Zagarolo, east of Rome. Bringing together a force of one-hundred apprentices and thieves, Ezio's forces quickly surrounded and overpowered the two-hundred and fifty strong force commanded by Micheletto. Taking Micheletto to Florence, he was incarcerated in the cell atop the Palazzo della Signoria, the same cell that had held Ezio's father twenty-eight years earlier, and tortured by Machiavelli, Amerigo Vespucci and Piero Soderini, the gonfaloniere of Florence and Machiavelli's "master". Despite learning nothing from Micheletto, Machiavelli promised to continue in his attempts to prise any information from him, and parted ways with Ezio warmly when the latter was forced to return to Rome.[8]
Locking away the AppleEdit
Days later, Ezio was awoken in the early hours of the morning by Machiavelli, who informed him that Micheletto had managed to escape from the Palazzo della Signoria with the aid of a Borgia-friendly priest, and the diehards. Ezio quickly realised that this could work to their advantage; if they could track Micheletto down, they could follow him to Cesare. Convening an emergency meeting, Ezio organized a manhunt for Micheletto that focused on the area surrounding Rome and Ostia. Later, Ezio was effectively ordered by Machiavelli to use the Apple to locate Micheletto, but was once again provided with the same vague image of a Spanish castle, with nothing about Micheletto Corella.[8]
Ezio was confused by this, and expressed his confusion to Machiavelli who recommended he ask the Apple why it wasn't showing him what he wanted. The Piece of Eden told Ezio that the time had come for him to relinquish it, so that future generations might make use of it; it also indicated where it should be hidden. As a parting gift, the Apple informed the Assassin that Micheletto Corella was making his way to Spain via the port in Naples.[8]
Before making their way to Naples, Ezio and Machiavelli decided to relinquish the Apple just at it had requested. Entering the Colosseum, the two Assassins made their way through the old lair of Romulus, marking the way as they went, until they reached the entrance to the Vault. Entering the Vault, Ezio placed the Apple on the central pedestal, and then exited. As the door closed behind him, both Ezio and Niccolò noticed that the door seemed to vanish, instead taking the appearance of the surrounding wall.[8]
Rescuing Da VinciEdit
Ezio and Leonardo look upon an unfinished portrait of a smiling lady.
Added by ThiefAC
With the Apple safely hidden away, Ezio met with Leonardo to discuss his need of chartering a ship to Navarre. Leonardo interjected that he knew the name of a friendly ship captain, but was unable to remember it at the time. Whilst here, Ezio and Leonardo briefly discussed the ancient Greek scholar Pythagoras, whom Leonardo was researching, though Ezio suggested he instead focus on his painting now, positively remarking on an unfinished portrait of a smiling lady. Despite this, Leonardo wished to accompany Ezio to the docks, though he was unable to leave the studio unaccompanied; Ezio offered to bring back Leonardo's apprentice: Salaì.[10]
Ezio meeting Salaì in La Volpe Addormentata.
Added by ThiefAC
Ezio found Salaì in La Volpe Addormentata, enjoying a game ofdice. Despite some initial resistance, Salaì eventually agreed to return to his Master's workshop with Ezio, much to the chagrin of three cloaked individuals who had been playing against Salaì. Once outside, the three individuals, who were revealed to beHermeticists, attacked Ezio and Salaì, being supported by a number of other cloaked men. Once defeated, Salaì remarked that only one individual could fight with such skill, correctly guessing Ezio's name. Ezio simply suggested they continue on to Leonardo's workshop.[10]
Circumventing the throngs of Hermeticists between them and the workshop, Ezio and Salaì returned to find the workshop wrecked and Leonardo missing. Salaì regretfully informed Ezio that he did not know the location ofTemple of Pythagoras. Looking down to the floor in sadness, Salaì spotted some writing on the floor. It suggested Leonardo's artwork which had been kept at the Villa Auditore, had kept clues to the location of the temple. At first Ezio was dismissive, commenting that all the paintings had been destroyed in the attack, though Salaì quickly responded by saying only two had been destroyed and one had been sold (by Salaì himself to buy a "now out of fashion" doublet), leaving five more to find; and that these five were in the hands of Lucrezia Borgia, Duchess ofFerrara.[10]
Recovering the paintingsEdit
"I count five Leonardo da Vinci paintings you have stolen, and I want them returned."―Ezio Auditore to Lucrezia Borgia, Duchess of Ferrara.[src]Ezio confronts Lucrezia Borgia inside the Delizia di Belriguardo.
Added by Subject 16*
Ezio made his way to Delizia di Belriguardo, climbing over the palazzo's outer walls and overhearing a paranoid Lucrezia ordering the guard onto high alert. Infiltrating the palazzo through the attached stables, Ezio confronted Lucrezia on the stolen paintings, saying that he had not come for her life. Willingly, Lucrezia revealed that she only had one of the paintings still, as the rest had been taken after the fall of her family. Ordering her men to place the painting Da Vinci's Annunciation in a cart outside the palazzo's walls, Lucrezia was then thrust against the wall by Ezio, who began to kiss her neck intimately.[10]
Lucrezia told Ezio that three of the paintings had been sold to Francesco Colonna, whilst the fifth went to an old flame of Lucrezia's name Patrizio. Ezio apologized to Lucrezia and then pulled back, revealing that he had tied her to the hanging drape. Lucrezia angrily called for her husband's personal guard, who pursued Ezio through the palazzo until he escaped out of a window and into a bale of hay near where the painting had been placed in a cart.[10]
Returning to Rome, Ezio made his way to the Vaticano district, where he followed Patrizio, who was hoping to sell the paintings to the Hermeticists. Ezio watched as Ercole Massimo belittled Patrizio for his racist views on Lucrezia's Spanish heritage, and then had him murdered when he tried to destroy the painting out of anger. Ezio then pursued the hermeticist Ercole had tasked with transporting the painting, eventually recovering it.[10]
Duccio de Luca: "Ezio Auditore. Living in this third-rate city instead of beautiful Firenze? How low you have sunk."Ezio Auditore: "You are going to shut your mouth and give me what I want. The three da Vinci paintings."―Duccio and Ezio, 1506[src]Ezio interrogating Duccio.
Added by ThiefAC
Ezio then traveled to the home of Francesco Colonna, only to find that the house had been seized by the bank. He was told that the da Vinci paintings had been sold to an art merchant from Florence, who was waiting at the docks outside the Mausoleo di Augusto. Making his way there, Ezio was surprised to see that the art merchant was his sister's former love interest Duccio de Luca. Duccio immediately set about insulting Ezio for living in a "third-rate city" such as Rome, and then again for his sister being the Madame of the Rosa in Fiore. For his troubles, Duccio received a short, stout punch to the face from a now angered Ezio Auditore. Duccio ordered his entourage to attack Ezio, though he was able to easily hold off his attackers. He eventually gained the information he wanted from Duccio, but the merchant pushed his insults even further against Claudia, resulting in a final blow to the old nemesis.[10]
After knocking Duccio out, Ezio made his way to the merchant's boat, which had been occupied by Hermeticists, to retrieve the third painting. Ezio swiftly eliminated them without being seen, and claimed the painting as his own. He then made his way to the Rosa in Fiore in order to ascertain a means of obtaining the last two paintings, which had been bought by a cardinal and put on display inside the Castel Sant'Angelo.[10]
Infiltrating the art exhibitionEdit
Ezio entering the art exhibition.
Added by ThiefAC
Upon reaching the Rosa in Fiore, Ezio warmly greeted his sister, neglecting to mention his previous encounter with Duccio. From her he learned that access to the art exhibition inside the Castel required an invitation, though fortunately she knew where he could obtain one. Ezio then infiltrated the palazzo of the noble holding the invitation only to find the box supposedly holding it empty, though he soon learned that the noble had already departed without the invitation and that a courier was on his way to hand it to him. Ezio chased down and tackled the courier, stealing the invitation. Ezio then met up with a small cohort of Claudia's courtesans and made his way into the Castel, saying that he would mark the paintings to be stolen.[10]
Ezio marked the first painting after distracting the guards protecting said paintings on display outside the inner building. He then proceeded to infiltrate the Castel, backtracking along the same path he had used to escape with Caterina Sforza years previously, before continuing on into the upper chambers of the Popes' residences. After marking the second painting, he quickly exfiltrated the Castel as cries over the theft of two paintings rung out around him.[10]
Salaì: "[Leonardo] also experimented with inks, including an ink that vanishes! But we can't see invisible ink, can we? Ezio, use your gift."Ezio Auditore: "You know about that too?"―Salaì inadvertedly reveals Leonardo's loose tongue to Ezio[src]Ezio discussing Leonardo's rescue with Salaì.
Added by ThiefAC
Ezio returned to Leonardo's workshop, where the five paintings had been stored. Inside he found Salaì already working to find any clues towards the location of the temple, though he had found nothing. Salaì was on the verge of giving up when Ezio prompted him to think of ways Leonardo might have concealed his work. Salaì remembered that Leonardo had work on invisible inks, and suggested to Ezio he use his gift of Eagle Vision to find any clues. Despite his annoyance at Leonardo for telling Salaì about his gift, Ezio did as was asked, finding small diagrams in each painting.[10]
After inspecting all the paintings, Ezio drew out each diagram and laid them on the table. Salaì immediately worked out it was a map, although there were probably pieces missing from the two paintings destroyed during the Siege of Monteriggioni six years previously. Nonetheless, Ezio managed the piece together the map and located the entrance to the catacombs containing the Temple of Pythagoras. He immediately made his way there.[10]
Temple of PythagorasEdit
Leonardo: "Those are not Pythagorean symbols. 43 39 19 N 75 27 42 W. Nothing. The Cult of Hermes is wrong, the number is meaningless."Ezio: "It is not intended for us."―Leonardo da Vinci and Ezio Auditore in the Pythagorean Vault[src]Ezio Auditore and Leonardo da Vinci enter the Temple of Pythagoras.
Added by StPerkele
Entering the catacombs, Ezio made his way towards the temple. As he did so, he could heard Ercole Massimo beating Leonardo, demanding he open the door to the temple. Ezio ordered the hermeticist to stop, and after a brief exchange of words, was attacked by Massimo's underlings. He dealt with them swiftly, before climbing up to Ercole and assassinating him with the hidden blade. Ezio suggested they now leave the temple, though Leonardo quickly spoke otherwise, saying that the "number" the Hermeticists had been seeking must be destroyed, least another go searching for it. Reluctantly, Ezio agreed.[10]
In each room of the Temple, Ezio and Leonardo found themselves confronted by a complex puzzle. The first room required Ezio to redirect a series of beams of light, whilst the second forced him to redirect the flow of air into a large, fan-dominated, locking mechanism. In the final room, Ezio had to active several switches which directed streams of burning oil into a central plate. Once activated, the central plate lowered, reveal a large circular pedestal. Ezio and Leonardo recognized the symbols upon the pedestal as those shown to them by the Apple, albeit in the wrong order. Ezio watched as Leonardo rotated the pillars so the images fit, opening the door into the temple's final chamber.[10]
Entering the final chamber, Ezio recognised the architecture as matching that of the Vatican and Colosseum Vault. He approached the central pedestal and placed his hand above it; a bright light activated above him and soon enough, the entire chamber was cloaked in a dim green light. Before them, six numbers and two letters repeated themselves: 43 39 19 N 75 27 42 W. Although Leonardo totally dismissed the numbers as nonsense, Ezio silently recognised that the numbers were not meant for his generation. In order to take his mind off of the numbers, Ezio distracted Leonardo by asking of his works.[10]
Arriving in Naples on Midsummers day, 1506, Ezio, Leonardo and Machiavelli were met with a wall of silence from the local populous when questioned on Micheletto. They perservered, fortunately happening upon a courtesan named Camilla who claimed to have spent the previous night with a man matching their description of Micheletto. She pointed them to the docks, and to Valencia.[8]
Ezio, Machiavelli and Leonardo booked passage to Valencia. The crossing took five days as the sea was particularly rough, which lost the three any chance of catching up with Micheletto. Once they arrived however, they quickly learned that Micheletto had headed to the Lone Wolf Inn, a place being described as "not for gentlemen". Nonetheless, the three made their way to the Lone Wolf Inn and entered, only to be immediately set upon by ten men whose eyes were already accustomed to the darkness. Ezio and Machiavelli fought off the ambushers, whilst Leonardo hid behind the bar. At one point, Ezio was approached from behind and garrotted by Micheletto himself; a well placed strike to the stomach from Machiavelli's blade forced Micheletto to let go and flee.[8]
Although Micheletto had fled, one of his underlings had survived the Assassins' onslaught, and reluctantly surrendered his master's destination: the Castillo de la Mota. The next day, after a short rest, the three continued on to the Castillo.[8]
They arrived too late. Ezio learned from a lieutenant that Cesare had escaped, although they were not yet sure how exactly he had managed it. Ezio immediately demanded a fresh horse, but Leonardo's tiredness and Machiavelli's counsel convinced him to stay a while and rest; within the month they were back in Valencia and found the city in the grip of Cesare's diehards. Disheartened by the turn of events, the assassins contemplated their next move. Leonardo piped up with a suggestion, asking them to gather sulphur, charcoal and potassium nitrate, as well as thin sheets of malleable steel. They complied, and in short time Leonardo managed to construct twenty small hand-held bombs which could be thrown onto enemy positions after lighting the fuse. Leonardo then revealed to Ezio and Machiavelli that he was returning to Italy on the next ship, as he was becoming homesick.[8]
Attack on ValenciaEdit
Despite this setback, Ezio and Niccolò were determined to destroy Cesare's new army, and together formulated a plan. Whilst Machiavelli made his way to the diehards' camp, Ezio headed to the docks. Approacing the first ship, Ezio lit the fuse and threw it into the vessel, dismissive of what destructive power such a small device could possible contain. He was shocked when the device exploded, cracking the warship's mast and felling it, splintered wood flying high into the air. Ezio continued to target Cesare's vessels, and in several case the initial bomb's explosion was followed by the detonation of the vessel gunpowder reserve; at one point, the explosion of one ship brought down the two on either side of it. All in all, Ezio managed to destroy twelve vessels with his ten hand-held bombs. He then met up with Machiavelli on the corner of the street where the Lone Wolf Inn was located.[8]
Climbing onto the roof of the building, Ezio and Machiavelli peered over the open top skylight onto Cesare and Micheletto, who were discussing the recent turn of events. Cesare angrily belittled Micheletto, blaming him for what had happened and driving him to launch himself across the table at his Master. Cesare quickly pulled one of his pistols from his belt and shot at Micheletto, destroying his face completely. Ezio pulled back, hoping to catch Cesare as he left the building, though Machiavelli, who had craned forward to get a better look, kicking a tile in the process, drew Cesare's attention. Drawing his second pistol just as rapidly as he had his first, Cesare shot at the Assassin, hitting Machiavelli in the shoulder.[8]
Ezio briefly thought of pursuit, but Machiavelli's injury was severe and required immediate medical attention. Finding a doctor, they learned the bullet had gone straight through, and that Machiavelli would be sufficiently healed for travel in two weeks. Before Ezio left to pursue Cesare, Machiavelli wished him good luck.[8]
Siege of VianaEdit
Cesare: "How did you find me?"Ezio Auditore: "The Apple you stole from Mario Auditore led me here."―Cesare Borgia and Ezio Auditore[src]Ezio arriving in Viana.
Added by Vatsa1708
In 1507, Ezio finally located Cesare Borgia. The former Captain General of the Papal Army was leading the forces of his brother-in-law, John III of Navarre, in a siege of the city of Viana. Ezio engaged Cesare on the battlefield, but was almost overwhelmed by Cesare's guards. Narrowly surviving an artillery strike, Ezio chased after Cesare, making his way towards the city. Eventually, having managed to climb one of Cesare's own siege towers, Ezio engaged Cesare in combat a top the city walls. Despite a continual stream of soldiers engaging him, Ezio was able to whittle away Cesare's armor and overpower him. When Cesare angrily repeated his claim that no man could kill him, Ezio coldly replied he would leave it to Fate, before throwing Cesare to his death from the city walls.[7]
Years later, a much older Ezio returned to the Sanctuary beneath the Villa Auditore to leave a clue to the password that protected the Vault's entrance, as suggested by his close friend Leonardo years previously. The clue was visible only to those who possessed Eagle Vision.[7]
Search for the SealsEdit
Pilgrimage to MasyafEdit
Ezio Auditore, overlooking the fortress of Masyaf.
Added by Altaïr
In 1511, a 52-year old Ezio traveled to Masyaf in order to seek answers about himself and the Assassin Order, from wisdom left behind by his ancestor: the Grand Master Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad. Arriving at Masyaf, he found the town crumbled and abandoned. He ventured further and discovered that the fortress itself had been overrun by the Templars. He infiltrated the castle and discovered that there was an extremely important artifact hidden away inside, and the Templars already had one of the five seals needed to unlock the entrance to the artifact. Upon being discovered, Ezio was able to flee the castle and get to safety.[11]
Settling into ConstantinopleEdit
After further research, Ezio discovered that these seals were spread across the city of Constantinople, capital of the Ottoman Empire. Additionally, he found out that the Templars had infiltrated the Byzantine Empire, and they were forming a threat to the Ottomans. He left for Constantinople.[11] During his voyage by sea, Ezio read thejournal of Niccolò Polo, which detailed greatly, the life of Ezio's ancestor, Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad.[12]
Upon arriving in Constantinople, Ezio made contact with the city's guild. Despite their close companionship, Yusuf Tazim, the guild's leader, was unpleased with Ezio's arrival, and a friendly rivalry formed between the two.[11]
After collecting three of the Seals within Constantinople, the fifth overall was in possession of a Templar leader outside the city. Deciding to make his abrupt departure, Yusuf confronted Ezio and warned of the Templar's efforts to keep him at bay and provided him with some clay bombs, claiming that they were more effective than the usual bombs that they crafted. Ezio proceeded to the port, and after destroying the chain that barred the way out of the city and burning the Templar ships guarding the harbor with Greek Fire, he took the advantage, and made to his ship by free-running through the ships' flaming wrecks, leaving Constantinople free of the Templar threat.

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